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Statement of Informed Consent


NDSU North Dakota State University
            Department of Communication
            Minard 338
            Fargo, ND 58108-6050


Title of Research Study: Media Synchronicity Theory and Ad Hoc Groups: An Exploration of the Women’s March on Washington


This study is being conducted by: Justin Walden, and Kay Beckermann,


Why am I being asked to take part in this research study? You have been approached because you are involved with the Women’s March as an organizer. About 20 to 25 Women’s March organizers will be interviewed for this project.  


What is the reason for doing the study? The purpose of this study is to understand how Women’s March organizers use communication technologies in organizing various organization activities.


What will I be asked to do?  You will be asked to answer a series of questions about your use of technologies and participation in the Women’s March. The interview will be recorded on a digital recorder and then transcribed.


Where is the study going to take place, and how long will it take?  The interview should take about an hour and is happening either by telephone or via videoconferencing technology.


What are the risks and discomforts? There is a minor risk in the time that it takes to complete the interview. There is also a potential loss of confidentiality. It is not possible to identify all potential risks in research procedures, but the researchers have taken reasonable safeguards to minimize any known risks to the participant.


What are the benefits to me?  You are not expected to get any benefit from being in this research study.


What are the benefits to other people?  Your participation will enable the generation of knowledge with respect to how groups use technology. It may help inform professional practice in the area of social movement organizing.


Do I have to take part in the study?  Your participation in this research is your choice.  If you decide to participate in the study, you may change your mind and stop participating at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which you are already entitled.


What are the alternatives to being in this research study? Instead of being in this research study, you can choose not to participate.


Who will see the information that I give? Dr. Walden and Kay Beckermann will keep private all research records that identify you. Your information will be combined with information from other people taking part in the study. When they write about the study, they will write about the combined information that we have gathered. We may publish the results of the study; however, we will keep your name and other identifying information private. If you withdraw before the research is over, your information will be removed at your request, and we will not collect additional information about you as an individual.


Can my taking part in the study end early? Yes, simply by indicating to the interviewer, the conversation can end immediately. If, in the course of the interview, you bring up a point or particular anecdote that you would like omitted from the final recording transcription and study, you may indicate this to the author and it will be removed.


What if I have questions? Before you decide whether to accept this invitation to take part in the research study, please ask any questions that might come to mind now.  Later, if you have any questions about the study, you can contact the primary investigator for this study, Justin Walden at


What are my rights as a research participant? You have rights as a participant in research. If you have questions about your rights, or complaints about this research, you may talk to the researcher or contact the NDSU Human Research Protection Program by:

  • Telephone: 701.231.8995 or toll-free 1.855.800.6717

  • Email:

  • Mail:  NDSU HRPP Office, NDSU Dept. 4000, PO Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58108-6050.


The role of the Human Research Protection Program is to see that your rights are protected in this research; more information about your rights can be found at:   


Documentation of Informed Consent: You are freely making a decision whether to be in this research study.  Agreeing in your email back to the researcher means that

  1. you have opened, read and understood this consent form

  2. you are at least 18 years old

  3. you have had your questions answered, and

  4. you have decided to be in the study.


You may save a copy of this form for your records.

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